The Team
Our Leadership and Ministry Team
We have an amazing team of both paid staff and volunteers, some of whom are mentioned below. We have an office on site at St Francis (the office is situated between the Clergy House and the Church).
We welcome visitors to the office, which is generally open
Monday - Friday from 9am - 12noon.
Meet the team
Michael Smith (Rector) - michael@parishofwmc.com
Michael joined the parish in 2018 as Rector (Vicar) and leads the team. He loves getting involved in parish life and being part of the team as well as living in this beautiful part of the world. Outside of the parish, Michael is a Visitors' Chaplain at Winchester Cathedral and an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral as well as a Local Vocations Advisor. He previously had a career in the City of London in Sales and Marketing. Michael supports Harlequins Rugby and is a keen cyclist and photographer when time allows. He also has a significant collection of gin and drinks too much good coffee! Michael is also Area Dean of Bournemouth and an Honorary Canon of Winchester Cathedral.
James Sharp (Pioneer Minster) - james@parishofwmc.com
As Pioneer Minster, James, gets out into the community creating links and supporting our community partners within the parish. He works with a group of people from other faiths to visit schools to talk about interfaith. As an ordained minister he also takes Sunday services, weddings and funerals. James is also Chair of the local charity, Hope for Food.
Renate Tulloh (Associate Priest (part-time))
Renate is the most recent addition to the clergy team having joined in March 2024. Her responsibility is mainly for ministry to the young people of the parish. Renate was formerly a Senior Nurse and loves meeting new people.
Jonathan Williams (Self-supporting Minister)
Jonathan is the self-supporting minister in the parish (which means that he doesn't get paid for his ministry). He works as a Counsellor/Coach in the week and you'll see him on Sundays preaching and presiding. He has an Airedale terrier called Nora and his wife Sara enjoy walking her around our lovely county.
Rob Sawdy (Curate) - rob@parishofwmc.com
Rob joined the parish a number of years ago as he trained for Ordination. He was ordained priest last summer and works on a 'self-supporting' basis which means that he has another job. His day job is as a Consultant with the NHS in the hospitals of BCP. Rob generally gives two days a week to the parish.
Lorraine Kingsley (Curate) - lorraine@parishofwmc.com
Lorraine joined the parish as a full-time curate (trainee Vicar) in July 2023. Before joining us, she was CEO of Toilet Twinning, a charity run by Tear Fund. Lorraine is a pioneer at heart.
Margaret Bird (Priest - Retired)
Originally from Isleworth, Tom and Margaret moved to Berkshire where their 4 children were born. She began her working life as a pricing analyst and before training for the priesthood, she ran her own soft furnishing business. All of her service after ordination had been with the Oxford Diocese until she and Tom retired down here in Bournemouth two years ago. She has Permission to Officiate in Winchester Diocese and sees it as a joy and a privilege to continuing serving here in Bournemouth.
Peter Furber (Priest - Retired)
A retired priest who ministers across the parish. He has a special interest in funeral ministry and after care and is highly supportive of children’s work. Peter Is also involved with Roots magazine and Praxis.
Paul Collins (Priest - Retired)
A retired priest who ministers across the parish. Paul used to be the Vicar of Lindisfarne (Holy Island) until his retirement to Bournemouth.
Pauline Collins (Licensed Lay Minister)
Andy Roberts (Licensed Lay Minister)
Andy was licensed in 2024 and preaches and leads prayers as well as heading up the parish's Pastoral Visiting team.
Dave Griffiths (Children & Families Minister) dave@parishofwmc.com
Dave leads our ‘Sanctuary Kids’ ministry to children and families across the parish, which includes after-school club, messy church, holiday clubs, toddler groups and Sunday activities. He grew up in this parish and took the role in May 2019 after graduating from Moorlands College.
Kate Bicknell (Churchwarden)
Alun Williams (Churchwarden)
Now retired, Alun spent his working life in tourism, including an amazing eight years as Head of Visitor Services at Salisbury Cathedral. Alun and his family joined the congregation at St Alban's in the late 1980s and have been an active part of the development of the Parish Winton, Moordown & Charminster. Currently one of the churchwardens, he takes a particular interest in the financial and building maintenance aspects of church life.
If email addresses are not shown above, please get in touch by clicking HERE.
Our Amazing Support Team
Martin Jennings - martin@parishofwmc.com
Marcia Robberts - marcia@parishofwmc.com
Ruth Jennings - ruth@parishofwmc.com & bookings@parishofwmc.com
Governance: The PCC & Deanery Synod Members
Rev'd Canon Michael Smith - Chair of PCC
Ex-oficio members of the PCC:
Rev'd James Sharp
Rev'd Jonathan Williams
Pauline Collins (LLM)
Kate Bicknell (Churchwarden)
Lay Members of the PCC
Steve Bicknell - Vice Chair
Jill Crewe - Safeguarding Officer
Sheila Vivian
Graham Nettleton
Viv Kingston
India Farrow
Mavis Driver (also Stewardship Advisor)
Rev'd Lorraine Kingsley
Rev'd Dr Rob Sawdy
John Newbold (LLM)
Alun Williams (Churchwarden)
Bridget Seve
Mike Stuckey
Susie Darling
Martin Jennings
Peter Barham
Mary Apperley
Nina Laing
Deanery Synod Members​
All licensed clergy are members of the Deanery Synod. In addition the following are elected to Deanery Synod and therefore, as result, ex-oficio members of the PCC:
Sara Fursdon
Alice Kerley
Karen Gillis
Michael Guest