How you can donate and
help our ministry in the community

We receive no central funding and rely solely on income from the hire of our premises and the generosity of the church community. We have four significant buildings to maintain but most importantly, a community to serve. Our core values are foundational to all we do and we seek to serve our community through all our work - supporting the homeless, rough sleepers and those at the edges of our society; children and families ministry; pastoral care and ministry to the older population; work with the student population and through many other means. Every donation is very gratefully received.
Please note - for the time being, until we have a new bank account in the name of the new parish, we're asking for donations to be to 'The PCC of the Parish of Winton, Moordown and Charminster' or 'The PCC of the Parish of St Francis'.
Ways you can donate:
By Cheque
You can write a cheque made payable to 'The PCC of the Parish of Winton, Moordown and Charminster' and either deliver it or post it to the Parish Office.
You can donate via credit or debit card via a link - click HERE to donate.
In person
At most of our services and when the church buildings are open we have the ability to donate via contactless payment and also cash
You can transfer your donation direct into our bank account:
Sort code: 30-99-14
Account No: 38682860
By Bank Transfer
The Parish Giving Scheme
If you're able to support us with a regular donation, the most effective and efficient way is via the Parish Giving Scheme. Your donation can be made anonymously and doesn't cost you or the parish anything to use. It's simple to do and easily managed too. You can stop it or change it at any time and manage it via phone as well as email and post. Click HERE for more details. You will need the following information to set up a PGS donation:- The Parish of WMC, PGS Parish code: 416008261, Bournemouth in the Diocese of Winchester.